The team you want at your side

Samuel Gaertner Eberhardt

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under main enrollment OAB/SC No. 17.421, with supplementary enrollment under OAB/SP No. 270.762 and OAB/RS No. 79861A. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB); Graduate degree in Tax Law, Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET/PUC). Technician in Accounting licensed by Regional Accounting Council of Santa Catarina (CRC/SC) under No. 027713/O-3. Member of the Chamber of Legislative and Tax Affairs of Santa Catarina Federation of Industries (FIESC).

Portuguese and English

Tax Law, Tax Criminal Law and Corporate Law.

Luiz Antônio Schramm Carrascoza

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 16.833. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI); Graduate degree in Tax Law, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC); and Master’s degree in Corporate Law (LL.M), FGV-RIO. Member of the Chamber of Legislative and Tax Affairs of Santa Catarina Federation of Industries (FIESC) and Tax Law Commission at OAB, subsection of Blumenau.

Tax Law, Tax Criminal Law and Corporate Law.

Isocley Bossi

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 18.086. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB); and Graduate degree in Civil Law, Higher Education Center of Blumenau (CESBLU).

Portuguese and Spanish

Business Law, Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law.

Marco Alexandre Soares Silva

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 17.420. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB); Graduate degree in Tax Law, Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB); and Technical certificate in Accounting, CEDUP Hermann Hering.

Tax Law.

Marcelo Francisco Matteussi

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 25.915. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), Higher Education Center of Blumenau (CESBLU); Graduate degree in Public Law, Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB) in partnership with Bench School of the State of Santa Catarina (ESMESC); and Preparatory Course for a Magistracy Career, Bench School of the State of Santa Catarina (ESMESC).

Business Law, Civil Law and Consumer Law.

Jorge Luis Costa Beber

Retired Appellate Judge from the Court of Justice of Santa Catarina (TJSC). Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under main enrollment OAB/RS No. 18.975, with supplementary enrollment under OAB/SC No. 59.248-A. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). He started his career as a magistrate in 1991, working as a state judge in several districts, especially in Blumenau/SC. Promoted to Appellate Judge, always working in the civil area, exercising, lastly, the Presidency of the 2nd Chamber of Civil Law of the Court of Justice of the State of Santa Catarina (TJSC). He is a former professor of undergraduate studies and of the Bench School of the State of Santa Catarina (ESMESC).

Civil Law.

Eloisa Brehmer

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 36.351. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB) and Graduate degree in Corporate and Tax Law, National Institute of Graduate (INPG).


Tax Law.

Raquel Schwinden

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 25.983. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB); and Graduate degree in Business Law, Anhanguera-Uniderp University (LFG).

Civil Law.

Lea Cristina Freire Soares

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 28.620. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB); Graduate degree in Public Law, Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB) in partnership with the Bench School of the State of Santa Catarina (ESMESC); and Labor and Procedural Labor Law, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR).

Labor and Social Security Law.

Francieli Heckler

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 34.705. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB); and Graduate degree in Business and Tax Law, National Graduate Institute (INPG).


Civil Law.

Victor Hugo Fraga

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 57.228. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree (LL.B), Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB); and currently attending Environmental Law, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).

Portuguese and English.

Tax Law.

Karla Roberta Kessin Vercka

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 47.127. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree, Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB); currently attending Graduate studies in Real Estate Law, Paulista School of Law (EPD); and Civil Law, Higher School Foundation of the Public Ministry (FMP) in partnership with the Higher School of Advocacy (ESA); Technical certificate in Management, Center of Education and Technology - DAMA. Member of the Real Estate Development and Business Commission at the Brazilian Institute of Real Estate Law (IBRADIM) and Notary, Registry and Public Record Law Commission at OAB, subsection of Blumenau.

Civil Law and Real Estate Law.

Janaína Kovaleski Fontanive

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 61.021, Accountant licensed by Regional Accounting Council of Santa Catarina (CRC/SC) under No. 033324/O-0 and Judicial Expert with enrollment under CNPC No. 1.249. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree, Dante University Center (UNIDANTE); MBA in Tax Management, National Graduate Institute (INPG); and Bachelor’s of Accountancy degree (B.Acc), Dante University Center (UNIDANTE).

Tax Law.

Heloise Tomazoni Oliveira

Lawyer licensed by Brazilian Bar Association under OAB/SC No. 59.263. Education: Bachelor’s of Laws degree, Regional University Foundation of Blumenau (FURB); MBA in Labor Law for People Management, Excelsu Educational in collaboration with National Graduate Institute (INPG); and currently attending MBA in Strategic Management for Law Firms, Higher School of Advocacy (ESA) in cooperation with the Institute of Legal Sciences.



Legal Controllership.


Advogada, inscrita na OAB/RS sob o nº 103.269 e na OAB/SC sob o nº 61.462-A, graduada em Direito pelo Instituto Cenecista de Ensino Superior de Santo Ângelo (IESA), pós-graduada em Direito Empresarial e em Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) e pós-graduanda em Direito Digital e Direito e Processo do Trabalho pela Faculdade Legale de São Paulo/SP. Possui atuação especializada em Compliance Trabalhista com ênfase em ESG e é membro da Comissão de Privacidade de Dados da OAB Blumenau/SC.

Direito do Trabalho, Compliance Trabalhista, Direito Digital, Proteção e Privacidade de Dados.